Sunday, May 6, 2012

44. Coffin Bay to Streaky Bay

We left Louth Bay and headed off. We stopped in at Coffin Bay, near the boat ramp of course, and watched many oyster boats come in. All but one was empty.  We had a look at Venus Bay but the weather put a damper on things.  It was drizzly and cold; however we did throw a line at Venus Bay off the jetty. Nothing.

We ended up staying at Farm Beach.  I took Mitchell for a walk down the beach and chatted to a few people who had just come in from fishing. They caught 42 squid and were cleaning them all up.  Another guy caught a few too.  We then witnessed a man getting bogged while trying to get his car and boat back up from the beach, not good. He tried to help but weren’t much use.  Eventually he got himself out.

Later that night I went down for a fish off the beach – no luck. I am not a good beach fisherman and it doesn’t help when you don’t have a proper surf rod and the copious amount of seaweed that was around. I did leave it too late too and it got dark, very quickly. Note to self – take light when fishing at night!

The next morning we stopped at Elliston at a lovely park for bacon and eggs.  After that we did some sightseeing at Murphy’s Haystacks.  Murphy’s Haystacks are a random group of rocks on a private property, which have been there for many years.

We continued on a dirt road, sometimes rough and arrived at Point Labatt, the only seal colony on the mainland.  We did see this on a DVD and they recommended you had binoculars, which we didn’t have. However, it was amazing.  There were so many seals and little ones swimming and playing in the pools of water. It was well worth the drive off the main road.  I might add the boys loved it too.

We left there and got to the caravan park at Streaky Bay late in the afternoon.  We scored a great spot with ocean views and right near the toilets and games room.  They boys discovered straight way that the racing game was faulty and you could play for free, so they were happy for the next two days.

I had a chat to a few people about the fishing around here and went for a drive, alone, to check out one of the beach launching areas. I was very scared but so proud of myself that I drove on sand. I drove very fast that I knocked both side caravan mirrors but didn’t care, I didn’t want to get stuck.

I returned on dark and went for a fish down the wharf by myself. I caught a couple shitty fish and a legal size crab, which I managed somehow to get up on the wharf.  It was an amazing sunset and night and really picturesque watching the sun set and all the lights around the bay from the end of the wharf.

A late night for me as I was doing blog stuff but gave up because the computer was going too slow.  The next morning the computer wouldn’t start – which is why my blog and photos have not been posted for a long time L

The next day Rod took the boys down the front to search for razor fish while I waited 1 ½ hrs in the laundry to do 4 loads of washing.  Rod cooked them up and we ate them. Absolutely beautiful, just like scallops.

After Rod and I went for a walk downtown; I could live in Streaky!

I took both the boys down the wharf fishing and got the shits real quickly. Rhys was bored after 5 minutes and the winds blew up and it became quite cold, so we returned to camp.

That night I took Mitchell back down and we only caught little fish.  Rod and my sleep was interrupted by young people camping behind us when they returned drunk at around midnight, making enough noise to wake the dead. I went over and ever so politely told them to shut up and be more considerate; they didn’t care.

So we (everyone within a 2km vicinity) spent the next 4 hours listening to them sing, play the guitar, talk, laugh and have sex. Not impressed let me tell you. Man was I cranky the next morning. So I went over and banged on their door and repeated said “Good morning, are you awake?”  no answer. 

We left Streaky.

PHOTOS: Coffin Bay to Streaky Bay

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